Tuesday, December 23, 2008


No set task for the Xmas week, everyone :)

Enjoy your last few days of freedom and bumming around.

Please do continue to email me overdue work, though.

Happy Xmas to all celebrants! :)

-Ms. Nsa-

Friday, December 19, 2008


Please answer the following essay question and email me your individual response in MSWord format by Friday 26 December, 6pm.

Email your response to: meela_useen@yahoo.com.sg

Please rename your attachment as follows:
DecholsT3_(your name)_(your class)


Discuss the role of the play-within-the-play in Act V of A Midsummer Night's Dream. Does the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe bear any relevance to the main play, or do you think it is merely, in the hands of the craftsmen, a comical interlude? What effect does the craftsmen's production of their play have on overall tone of A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Please use the comments function of this post to provide your reflection(s) on the question below. Your individual responses must be submitted by MONDAY, 22nd DECEMBER, 6pm.


In A Midsummer Night's Dream, the action moves from a state of confusion, dilemma and disequilibrium, into a state of further disorder and chaos. This then evolves into a situation where enlightenment and resolution presents itself.
In your own words and giving examples from the play itself, provide details (examples, quotes, events) to trace the progress within the play that reflects on the different states presented above.
In addition, comment on the final resolution in the play symbolised by marriage and reconcilliation - how apt is this?

Your response must be coherent and must also include specific examples and quotes from the play. Your response will be awarded a maximum of 10 marks.

Good Luck everyone! :)

Monday, December 8, 2008


Hello everyone!

I trust that you have all had a restful and fulfilling EOY holidays so far. I have refrained from setting any new tasks for the past three weeks or so because it seems that quite a number of people were away and/or catching up on lost sleep/ undone assignments/ spring cleaning your room/ breeding your hamsters / been on overseas trips and other such like enjoyable and yet very draining endeavors. *grins*

Hence, it is only now, at the tail end of our 2008 break that I have finally decided to set some work for the Sec 4 E.Lit students of 2009. Please submit all work set from here on as they will be refresher activities and prepare you for the packed semester that we will share as you embark on your lives as 'O' Level students.

I have posted the suggetsed outline / answer scheme for the additional question set during extension week regarding the role of the craftsmen in the play. Please read the outline of the suggested answers as some of the information will relate directly / indirectly to your subsequent online tasks.

I will post new activities every Monday and Friday and a deadline will be set for all activities requiring your response. Please adhere to the deadline as I would like to grade all assignments before lessons begin for 2009.

I will also be posting a list of names of those who have yet to hand in the requsite assignments due for 2008.

Do enjoy what's left of the holidays even as you attempt to re-visit and polish up your knowledge of the intricacies of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in the weeks left to 2008 :)

Love to all
-Ms. Nsa-


Please email me your individual responses to the three questions below by next MONDAY, 15th DECEMBER, 6pm.

Please email responses to: meela_useen@yahoo.com.sg

1. “The kinder we, to give them thanks for nothing.
Our sport shall be to take what they mistake;
And what poor duty cannot do, noble respect
Takes it in might, not merit.”

Does Theseus practice what he preaches where the craftsmens are concerned or does he, in Philostrate’s words, ‘find sport in their intents’? Is there any difference between the way in which Theseus responds to the play and the way in which the others react? (5marks)

2. What is the dramatic function of the craftsmen’s ‘play within a play’? How are the content and nature of the performance appropriate to the play as a whole? (5 marks)

3. The lovers find the antics of the craftsmen and content of their play absurdly amusing. What is ironic about this fact given their own behavior in Acts 2 and 3? (5 marks)

There is no word length for the task above. Please write as much as you feel is necessary.

Responses that show a sound understanding of the play as well as an independent train of thought and analysis will fare better than those that simply regurgitate what might have been mentioned in class.

I look forward to reading your responses. Good Luck! :)
-Ms. Nsa-