Friday, March 7, 2008


In Act 2 Scene 2, we discussed briefly how Oberon uses the juice of the 'love-in-idleness' flower against Titania who is asleep in her bower. We talked about whether Oberon was intentionally malicious or playful when he administers the juice on Titania's eyelids. Many took into consideration the presence of the little changeling boy who upset the balance between the two fairies (Oberon and Titania). Some of you felt that Titania was rather obssessed with teh Indian boy while some thought that Oberon was not reasonable in his demand for the boy whose biologcal mother was a votress of Titania's order.

Task 1
Please answer the questions below on a piece of fulscap paper:
1. How does Act 2 serve as a contrast to Act 1?
2. How does Act 2 serve a a complement to Act 1?

3. What has Shakespeare achieved by the end of Act 2?

Focus: Act 3 Scene 1 & 2
Please answer all the key questions below on a piece of fulscap paper:

1) Act 3 Scene 1 (A-S)
2) Act 3 Scene 2 (A-Z)

before our first Literature session for A Midsummer Night's Dream in Term 2.

Have a good week long holiday! See you guys soon! :)

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